Credit cards are whether a boon or a curse entirely depends on usage. On one hand it can help one out of any money problems, providing a financial lifeline and helping in case of severe cash flow problems but on the other hand they are pure temptation which can easily lead into debt trap (financial ruin).
Experts keep advising on the Dos and Don’ts, tricks and tips to use cards etc. They help you learn various ways in which you can benefit from credit cards like avoiding carrying hard cash, being able to pay for larger (expensive) items and then repay the balance gradually, and being able to cruise through temporary cash crunches.
There are few people who keep credit cards just to spend extravagantly, not for the benefits like convenience, ease, and flexibility offered by these cards. Some believe it a status symbol while few spend on cards just because they can afford to!
This kind of spending can easily lead one into a debt trap. In fact according to research this is the main reason for most to end up in personal debt. Then people are forced to take loans to tide over credit card dues and get caught in vicious circle of debt. Credit card should not be used to buy all sorts of luxuries, pay for holidays which you cannot afford. Neither should one buy the latest gadgets and high tech devices at high prices just to show off your purchases. Credit card is a responsibility. You need to look at how much you have to spend, how will you repay the money and how much interest will you have to pay.
Reports have revealed that people choose their credit card based on the credit limit offered by the bank rather than the rate of interest they would be charged. One reason for this could be the fact that they want to stretch the card limit to the maximum. One should always choose a card that gives best terms with lowest rate of interest. One should be careful in spending on a card and most importantly spend as much as one can afford. One should avoid falling into a debt trap from which it could get difficult to emerge by making diligent payments. If one is careful, credit cards will always be a Boon and never a Curse.
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